Mediation Case Studies

Ownership Of Home

The advantage of a good translator

With mediation, you never know what will happen, and the mediator has to be versatile.

A gentleman aged 95 (who spoke no English) had brought up six sons, and helped the first five to buy their own homes. He had lived for some years with the sixth son and his wife, but relations were strained. Their house was co­owned with the father, who would not pass on his share as he had done for the others.

The discussions

The father spoke only a rare Indian language, so all discussions with him had to be through an interpreter, who was excellent. Progress was slow, and went on well into the evening.

The agreement

Agreement was reached whereby, with a cash adjustment, the sixth son would own his own home, the father could go to live with his favourite (third) son, and the Stannah chair lift and other disabled living aids could be transferred.

The old man’s solicitor was so impressed with the process that she shortly afterwards trained as a mediator, and now runs a successful mediation practice.

All disputes should if possible be dealt with in this way – Great Mediator!

A party from a Chris Makin mediation