Chris Makin’s Recent Blog Posts

Companies House Searches Are USELESS!
Note: This blog is retained on page one for its enduring relevance.

Forensic Accountants In Matrimonial Cases
Note: This blog is retained on page one for its enduring relevance.
I receive many requests for help in family cases, but there are limits to how I can help and this blog explains what they are.

Post Office Scandal And Private Prosecutions
In a recent article for the legal press (Reputation or a life?) I expressed the view that in some organisations, even where lives are at risk, the powers that be think it is more important to preserve the reputation of that organisation than to protect the health or even the life, of those they should […]

Reputation Or A Life?
At present, we seem to be facing a continuous series of public enquiries on some weighty matters. I detect a trend. Let’s consider three such enquiries: the infected blood scandal, the sub-postmasters, and Lucy Letby. What do they have in common? Answer: in every case, those at the head of the organisation thought it essential […]

Meeting Of Experts – Solicitors Get It Wrong Again!
My loyal readers will know that I often bang on about incompetent experts. There is a treasure trove of articles on the shocking failure of some experts, on my blog. But we should also be alert to the blame which should be attached to solicitors who get it wrong. Most expert witnesses are not full-time […]

Hostage Taking And Mediation – What’s The Difference?
You may be tempted to reverse the question and ask what the similarities are between the two. Surely there can’t be any? But read on. I recently attended the advanced mediation training course run by the Association of Northern Mediators up near Malham Tarn, in the rugged but beautiful North Yorkshire. It’s been run for […]

More Inept Expert Witnesses (And Solicitors)…
…and an annoyed judge. Those who have read my articles and blogs in recent years will recognise that I have a “thing” about inadequate or incompetent experts. This “thing” developed over many years; as an expert chartered accountant I found it tiresome to have as an opposing expert a chartered accountant who may have been […]

RIP Michael Cohen
I recently attended the funeral of a man you have probably never heard of, but who was of enormous importance to all you litigators, whether civil & commercial, family, criminal or ADR. After several years as a boring old chartered accountant – annual accounts, audits, tax returns, business plans, I was asked to act as […]

Mediation: Have The Floodgates Finally Opened?
On 29 November the Court of Appeal gave its judgment in the long-anticipated case of Churchill -v- Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council [2023] EWCA Civ 1416. It started life as a simple dispute between an individual and a council over Japanese knotweed but assumed such importance that there were no fewer than seven bodies admitted […]

When Your Expert Costs You Money!
You kind readers of this journal, or of the blog page on my website, will have noticed that I go on and on (and on and on…) about incompetent or even dishonest expert witnesses. It is over 12 years now since the expert’s immunity from suit was removed – see Jones -v- Kaney [2011] UKSC […]

Statement Of Truth? Forget It!
Those of you (thank you!) who have had the patience and loyalty to read some of my past articles will be aware that I am quite scathing about the performance of some expert witnesses. In some cases it’s merely incompetence, but with others it’s more serious. Looking at the incompetents first, we have such inept […]